Fishing at Full Circle

Perfect Potty

In case you weren't all ready convinced Emmett was a perfect angel, he is now potty training himself. I'm just letting him lead the way because he finds this all so exciting and hilarious at the same time.


This afternoon I walked into my backyard and the smell of sweet, ripe peaches hung in the air and seemed to surround me.
I love my Mummy

Bubbles and Tan Lines
A Real "Labor Day"

Our Morning Lessons
Monday and Thursday Morning Lessons
Notebook Pages: (Ideas drawn from The Well Trained Mind and Teaching the Trivium) Make notebook pages for history, english or science. The children narrate to me main ideas from our History reading in the morning, or our Read Aloud books, or science activities. I write it down for Callista and she illustrates. Ellery dictates to me, copies what I have written and then illustrates. (We will be working towards more independent writing as the year progresses.) We make this fun for the kids because we have special notebook supplies, like my extra sharp colored pencils and tracing paper the children can use during this time.) I try to squeeze in a little art concept here. Emmett works on gross motor skills with puzzles, drawing and matching activities.
About 15-25 minutes
Phonograms: (Writing Road to Reading, WRTR) Oral and written review. Mom quizzes both girls simultaneously. I am using the 2nd grade teachers edition WRTR for Ellery and the 1st grade edition for Callista.
About 15 minutes.
Spelling: (WRTR and Teaching Reading at Home and School by Wanda Sanseri). Dictate spelling words to girls simultaneously.
About 15-20 minutes
Grammar/Reading Break: Each child gets individual lesson on grammar and composes oral and/or written sentences, or reads aloud to mom, the other has a short break to play and read to Emmett.
15-20 minutes each, 40 minutes total
Activity: Corresponding to History study, drawn from The Story of the World Activity Book by Susan Wise Bauer. These consist of art projects, hands on activities etc. This also could be science activity.
About 20-30 minutes.
Clean Up and Reading: Ellery reads out loud while Mom and Callista and Emmett clean up the school room.
About 10-20 minutes.
Tuesday and Wednesday Morning Lessons with Larisa:
Ellery & Mom: Phonograms, spelling dictation, handwriting practice, grammar. Read out loud to Mom. Shiller Math or Family Math. Notebook page. Callista and Emmett speak Russian with Larisa and learn games and activities in Russian.
About 75 minutes.
Callista & Mom: Phonograms, spelling dictation, handwriting practice, grammar. Read out loud to Mom.
Tuesdays, notebook page. Wednesdays Shiller Math. Ellery and Emmett learn games and activities in Russian with Larisa.
About 45 minutes.
Russian Lesson: Alphabet, grammar, memorization, songs, and fairy tales. Emmett and Mom read together and play.
About 30 minutes.
The Homeschool Morning Gathering
The Morning Gathering Monday -Thursday 8:15 - 9:50
Calendar: Calendar and number awareness activities. Time, ordinal numbers, patterns, temperature, thermometers, graphing, addition and subtraction etc. (Drawn from Saxon Math meeting books) About 10 minutes.
Scriptures and Scripture Memorization: Read and discuss 3 verses (we each read one), one bible story from illustrated stories, and work on memorizing scripture of week and choose 2 old memorized verses to recite. About 15 minutes
Poetry: Work stanza by stanza on memorization. Children repeat, and we say together, incorporating actions and discussing interesting vocabulary and literary techniques. Choose 2 old memorized poems to recite, working on posture, expression, and articulation and to promote long term memory retention. Or read poetry for fun and to find new favorites for memorization. About 15 minutes
Copy Work/Dictation: Use selections from scripture, poetry and literature. (Ideas learned and adapted from Christine Miller’s classical christian homeschooling website, The 3 R's (Ruth Beechik), Teaching the Trivium (the Bluedorns), and The Well Trained Mind (Susan Wise Bauer)). Callista works on a single sentences, new each day and illustrates her work with left over time. Ellery copies the first day, writes from dictation the second day, and memory the third (all using the same passage). About 20 minutes
History (Monday/Wednesday): History review cards. We make these through the year and draw from an index file to store in long term memory important things we are learning. It is a similar concept to our scripture and poetry reviews (Based on the ideas of Christine Miller). Read aloud a chapter from The Story of the World (Susan Wise Bauer), and other ancient history books from the library. Complete coloring pages, map or timeline work. Practice narration (repeating back as much detail as they can from our reading). About 20 minutes
Math (Tuesday/Thursday): Math activity drawn from Family Math. About 20 minutes.
Emmett reads books, colors, plays cars, and listens to stories. He is actually quiet tired in the mornings and most of the time just loves to snuggle with a blanket, his pacifier, and his bear on the ground near us. Berkeley sleeps and eats :)