I am definitely opposed to Obama and redistributing wealth.
However, I feel like McCain is not much different. Bailout after bailout.
Barr, the Libertarian, had too sketchy of a personal life, and I was not into cutting funding for the military. I also am adamantly pro-life.
McCullough, the Constitutionalist, had a great platform, except for his stand on imposing huge tariffs on imports. It would put my husband out of business. I can't in my right mind vote for someone who would kill the bread winning business.
My other votes of local interest were across the board. Some mainstream, some not. I did vote for Lorie Fowlke for Congress. I did so with reservations. I attended a meeting with her on Sunday. I was concerned about her unwavering support for Alpine School District. Especially since a group closely affiliated with them is major campaign contributor. The campaign funding gets so ethically fuzzy. I don't like that.
One school board position I didn't vote on because I didn't feel I had enough info to make an informed choice.
It will be an interesting day. I am praying our new President and Congress will be tempered by the mantra, "moderation in all things."
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