t h e m a y f i l e s is foremost a family blog, chronicling everyday life. Life including natural, healthy eating (with recipes thrown in at random), home educating (with ideas popping up sporadically), an attempt to homestead on .2 acres (with very meager yields), raising 3 of 4 children with a rare genetic disorder, and lots of highly personal family triumphs and failures. You may also find an eclectic array of musings on politics, exercise, sewing, emergency preparedness, backyard chickens, and religion. This blog isn't a campaign to glorify anyone or anything. Just simply a record.


A Prayer Like Moses

Often times the greatest lessons are the unanticipated ones. Such was the case for me recently.

Take one minute out of your busy schedule and watch this little clip of Callista practicing her first Primary (Sunday School for children 3-11 years) talk. About 5 months ago, she was asked to give a prayer in Primary and was so excited but started bawling and wouldn't say a word when she was in front of the children.

For this reason we spent a lot of time preparing her so she would feel confident and excited for this experience. We came early so she could practice in the room with the microphone. Upon assuming her position behind the pulpit, she immediately froze. In her words "Mommy I can't. I am too scared. I can't." After some gentle prodding and encouragement she ran through her talk perfectly several times. However, the last time through someone walked in the room and she panicked. At that point, I knew we were probably in for some nerves.

The time arrived for Callista. My fearless little Pip approached the pulpit full of uncharacteristic trepidation. After the first line she broke down bawling. I tried to comfort, coax and prompt her, but it was not to be. I said a quick little prayer for her...that she could have courage like Moses...Then I snuggled her next to me and began to give the talk quietly for her.

It was then the lesson came...my prayer wasn't answered but hers...the words I spoke, her words, her testimony...we were living it...right then and there.

"Moses was too scared and too shy. And he couldn't talk very well. So he prayed that God would help him. God said his brother Aaron would help him talk. I know if I am scared and need help I can pray and Jesus will help me and my family will help me."

I was overcome with emotion. I don't know if the children in the congregation understood what was happening but it was difficult to find a dry eye among the adults.

The Lord answers the prayers of our children. Callista needed my voice. What a privilege and blessing as a Mother to give it to her in those sweet moments. God is mindful of us. Our simplest needs are acknowledged. Answers provided, when we earnestly seek. I pray I will always be worthy to be an answer to my children's prayers in the many years of mothering I have before me.


Za said...

She is so cute,and that was a wonderful story.

Jo Lynn said...

How sweet and powerful, thank you for sharing!

Monica said...

That was so sweet. I love you Becc, what a great example you are!

Brittney said...

So sweet. It's amazing what little lessons we can learn w/ our kids.