Brent was adamant I not post about our chick bums. It is too gross. I disagree. If you are interested in backyard chicks you better know how to wipe their bums the first week of life. And plus no Mom is uncomfortable with a dirty bum.
Poor little Naomi has been "pasting up". Her excrement builds up an cakes in place. It can be a deadly condition for little chicks. Their bums need to be cleared as soon as possible. So Pip and I spent 10 minutes with wet, warm paper towels wiping down our little chick bum until she could poop unobstructed.
Further episodes have required a little toothpick.
I would like to think none of my children have ever "pasted up"...but I admit every once in a while, on one of my not-so-great days I have had a child's bum pretty caked.
This was hilarious to read! :) You are such a devoted mother hen. Good for you!
haha that was too funny Becc!
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