So today I was thinking about diaper bags (BTW, I love mine, it is Ju*Ju*Be, I totally recommend it www.ju-ju-be.com, tons of space, antibacterial, and super cool. It was a gift from my husbands awesome aunts and uncles) what we as moms keep in them, and what it says about us. Here is what you will find in mine on any given day:

1-A year supply of fruit leather, of course only our favorite flavors. We promptly recycle the large build-up of raspberry and strawberry as our monthly donation for preschool treats.

2-Nukie and Suction-My children have serious pacifier attachment until we drag them to build-a-bear and stuff all the nuks inside a bear. Ellery was 3, but Callista was 2, so we are getting better. 2 of my kids have serious mucus issues so I won't be caught dead without the suction. Although maybe Ellery is getting a little old for that.

3-An extra outfit, because the only time Emmett has blow-outs is when I am in the bank or at the grocery store.

4-Cloth Diapering Essentials, what right eco-minded mom doesn't use cloth diapers? Okay so I know there is some debate on water vs waste. Personally I don't want 1,000's of my kids diapers piled up in landfills. Also who wants to rub nasty chemicals all over their cute little bottoms. My wipe mixture: spring water and a few drops each of chamomile and lavender oil. Complete the set with some nice soft flannel. Check out www.nickisdiapers.com for the best diapers and tons of great tips.

4-Goat and Toad. This is classic, believe me. Well maybe not but it is perfect for Ellery who is just learning "long o".

5-Of course a Cap Trapper. How could any sane mom leave home without one. It provides a perfect activity in a pinch, like waiting forever for a prescription or outside of preschool. And no one wants crayons and markers floating around everywhere in the corners of your bag. A shameless plug, of course. To fit in your purse or kids bags use the little mini pip squeak markers. My girls adore those.

So now you know, I do everything in my power to eliminate refined sugar from my kids diets (why do they have suckers at the bank?). I have strange kids with tons of boogers. We read books about goats and toads (because I am definitely making sure my kids can read by age 2 which is unbelievably crucial, heaven forbid they have time to play). I am mildly fanatic about protecting my kids from yucky disposables. My baby has perfect bowel-timing. And finally, I am ultra-prepared with the best marker case ever my cap trapper! What does your diaper bag say about you?
I LOVE this post! You are hilarious! It's funny how the contents of a diaper bag can say so much about a person. =)
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